Atlantica Wiki

Mercenary Selection Summon Marble (Level 120) allow users to choose from a nice selection of pretty good mercenaries. This is a great opportunity to recruit a mercenary to your team/formation that would later on be difficult or expensive to obtain.

You only get 4 of these for each Main Character, so choose wisely!

Tip: Some of these mercenaries are event mercenaries and while you can obtain them from this marble, you may not be able to get skills for them, or the skills may be obtainable, but prohibitively expensive, which makes them far less useful than another merc that you can fully skill up. Check the market and with other guild and nation members whether skills are available for any given merc before you recruit that merc.




Choice of one of the below mercenaries. The selected mercenary joins your team at the same level as you main, up to a maximum of 120.

Also check the current Market Price for any Mercenary before you use a marble. Some are quite affordable to buy without wasting 1 of your 4 Marbles, while others are really rare or very expensive. We recommend using the marbles on the more expensive ones.

See each mercenary's page for a full summary of that mercenary, including cost.

  • Automaton: excellent merc for damage and healing; expensive
  • Centaur Archer: excellent high damage merc; very expensive
  • Champion: a good sword tank with flexible skills
  • Druid: excellent tank; can freeze a row and buff other characters' damage; expensive
  • Folklorist: the most affordable end-game healer; has excellent additional skills and does good damage
  • General: best AoE attack in the game, also a good ranged debuff and a good tank; expensive but highly recommended
  • Goddess: decent PvP merc; mostly a more expensive Monk; take a look at the Monk instead
  • Hwarang: low damage, but excellent buffs for ranged formations; moderate price
  • Janissary: decent low level shooter, but a single skill that takes a turn to activate; inexpensive
  • Minstrel: meh
  • Necromancer: only merc that can resurrect in battle, not much else that's good; expensive
  • Pirate: excellent melee damage dealer; can drain monsters including bosses, of Action Power; moderate cost -- a poor man's Tarkan and excellent addition to most teams
  • Punisher: versatile melee merc that can un-stun, damage is limited; inexpensive
  • Puppeteer: excellent merc with very good and unique skills; very expensive
  • Sorceress: used to be good, but now is rather dated; very expensive
  • Spartan: good melee merc with buff for other spear mercs; inexpensive
  • Valkyrie: excellent tank with excellent skills; moderate - expensive cost
  • Warlord: excellent melee merc with excellent versatile skills; expensive

